AI Inventor Series - MED Kit
- A set of handful modularized STEM learning blocks designed for all age groups
- A lot of sophisticated sensors and actuators that stimulate children's curiosity about STEM learning
- Easy online access coding learning platform powered by Scratch 3.0 and MakeCode
- Perfectly compatible with Micro:bit, Arduino and Raspberry Pi CPU
- Theme: MEDTECH
PN# Product Description (Chinese) Product Description (English) Maker M01 Micro:bit擴展板 (PH) Micro:bit Expansion Board (PH) Maker P01 NCR18650BD 鋰電池組合 NCR18650BD Li-ion Battery Module Maker C01U IoT WiFi模組 IoT WiFi Module Maker M03U UART Hub UART Hub Maker A03D 伺服馬達 Servo Motor Maker D05U 人體體溫傳感器 Body Temperature Sensor Maker D08U 六軸姿態傳感器 6-Axis Inertial Measurement Unit Maker D12U 鐳射距離傳感器 Laser Distance Sensor Maker D18U 心跳脈搏血氧傳感器 Heartbeat Pulse Oximetry Sensor Maker I05RD 功能按鈕 (紅色) Button (RED) Maker S01D 蜂鳴器 Buzzer