AI Inventor Series - Starter Kit
- A set of handful modularized STEM learning blocks designed for all age groups
- A lot of sophisticated sensors and actuators that stimulate children's curiosity about STEM learning
- Easy online access coding learning platform powered by Scratch 3.0 and MakeCode
- Perfectly compatible with Micro:bit, Arduino and Raspberry Pi CPU
PN# Product Description (Chinese) Product Description (English) Maker M01 Micro:bit擴展板 (PH) Micro:bit Expansion Board (PH) Maker P01 NCR18650BD 鋰電池組合 NCR18650BD Li-ion Battery Module Maker C01U IoT WiFi模組 IoT WiFi Module Maker A03D 伺服馬達 Servo Motor Maker D01D 磁力傳感器 Magnetic Sensor Maker D12U 鐳射距離傳感器 Laser Distance Sensor Maker D14A 巡線傳感器 Tracker Sensor Maker D15D 震動傳感器 Shake Sensor Maker I05RD 功能按鈕 (紅色) Button (RED) Maker I05YD 功能按鈕 (黃色) Button (YELLOW) Maker I05GD 功能按鈕 (綠色) Button (GREEN) Maker I07 遙桿 Joystick Maker L01RD LED (紅色) LED (RED) Maker L01YD LED (黃色) LED (YELLOW) Maker L01GD LED (綠色) LED (GREEN) Maker L02D 彩色燈環 RGB LED Ring Maker S01D 蜂鳴器 Buzzer