I07D Joystick module contains one Joystick. The X-axis and Y-axis of Joystick output in analog. Pressing Joystick outputs in digital.
Example applications of I07D Joystick include:
Robot Movement Control
Game Controller
Supply Voltage DC 3V-5V Interface Type PH2.54MM/3-PIN x3
RJ25/6-PINSize 63.8 mm * 39.8 mm Signal Type X and Y are analog outputs. K is a digital output. Program Coding Control K: Output 1 when it is pressed; Ouput 0 when it is not pressed
X: Left to right, ranging from 0 - 1023
Y: Top to bottom, ranging from 0 - 1023Pin Config X/Y Axis are analog outputs.
K is a digital output
VCC (+ 5V/3V Voltage Ping)
GND (Power Grounding Pin)
Circuit Protection (+/- )Reverse Battery, Short Circuit, Overcurrent Protection