Micro:bit Expansion Board (PH)
The M01 Micro:bit Expansion Board is designed to work with Micro:bit. It expands the Micro:bit capabilities by providing a user-friendly interface with a 2-pin power supply.
This product requires a Micro:bit to use.
Supply Voltage DC 3V-5V Power Supply Interface PH2.0MM/2-PIN
USBSize 87.8 mm * 63.8 mm Expansion Interface PH2.54MM/3-PIN x3
PH2.54MM/4-PIN x2
PH2.54MM/5-PIN x 1
Power Output Optional 3V/OFF/5V
Output 3.3V Mode, Maximum Current 500mA
Output 5V Mode, Maximum Current 1000mA
Pin Config PX (Micro:bit Pin)
VCC (+ 5V /3V Voltage Ping)
GND (Power Grounding Pin)
Circuit Protection Battery +/- Reverse, Short Circuit, Overcurrent Protection