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Build it, Code it, Power it

About Us

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About AIMaker

STEM becomes more important now. AIMaker combines the strengths of both Hanshin Group creates interactive, interesting and fun learning teaching materials and courses.

We inherit our skills and technologies to schools and students and help them go further and boarder in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

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AI technologies have many potential benefits on healthcare sector.  AI Maker combines the strengths of both Hanshin Group creates solution for smart hospital room and elderly home as well as smart home.


Besides, AI sensor can be built into smart homes where technology could unobtrusively monitor the frail elderly for behavioral clues of impending health crises.

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About Hanshin

Hanshin is founded in Hong Kong for more than 24 years and becomes one of the world leading manufacturers in the Electronic Industry. Our products are distributed in over 20 countries and improve life and experiences of our worldwide users.


STEM becomes more important now. AIMaker combines the strengths of both Hanshin Group creates interactive, interesting and fun learning teaching materials and courses.

We inherit our skills and technologies to schools and students and help them go further and boarder in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


Our Pillars

Combined the strength of both companies, we equip students the latest cutting-edge AIoT technologies via our 4 critical pillars.

•AIMaker Sensors Series for different industrial

•User Friendly Software

•Years experience for OEM / Tailor-Made project

•Real Life Applications

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Free Consultation
How You Get Started with AIMAKER

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